Monday, 18 November 2024

The Iva Valley Shooting

The Iva Valley shooting, a tragedy that occurred during the colonial era in Enugu, Nigeria, happened 75 years ago today on November 18, 1949. 

A statue re-enacting the massacre
stands in the centre of Enugu

This event was pivotal in Nigeria's labour history and fueled the movement for independence from British rule.

The British government's exploitative practices at the Enugu colliery, which included inadequate pay and unsafe working conditions, fueled the miners' protest and ultimately led to the incident. Their grievances led to a strike operated by the Nigerian Trades Union Congress.

British colonial police, acting under orders to quell the strike, fired on unarmed striking miners who had assembled at the Iva Valley mine. It is estimated that 21 miners lost their lives, with many more being injured.

The Iva Valley shooting remains a significant moment in Nigerian history, remembered as a stark example of colonial exploitation and resistance. It fuelled the drive for Nigerian independence, which was achieved in 1960.

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