Friday 11 October 2024

Balloon Boy Hoax - 15th October 2009

15 years ago, what became known in the US and beyond as the Balloon Boy Hoax took place in Fort Collins, Colorado, USA.

Richard and Mayumi Heene released a large helium-filled balloon into the air, and then claimed their six-year-old son Falcon was trapped inside it. 

Richard and Mayumi Heene, wirh Falcon pictured front centre.

The balloon rose to 7,000 feet and remained in the air for 90 minutes while it was tracked by National Guard helicopters. The incident attracted worldwide media attention. 

When the balloon finally landed, approx. 12 miles north-east of Denver International airport, no one was found inside, but it had been reported that an object was seen falling from the balloon during the flight.

After a search was launched the boy was found hiding above the couple’s garage where he had been the whole time. 

The couple claimed it was an innocent mistake, but Falcon gave them away during an interview, saying it was a publicity stunt.

They were fined and given jail sentences, but were later pardoned by the Governor of Colorado.

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