"Everyday" was something of a strange choice as a Slade single being it was not as "gung-ho" as previous releases, but it was a hit reaching no.3 in the UK charts.
Released as the 2nd single from the album Old, New, Borrowed and Blue, the idea for "Everyday" came out of an evening at Jim Lea's house where he was entertaining friends. Responding to the question of how he wrote songs, he said "easy, anyone can do it" and each person then attempted to come up with their idea for a song, there and then on the spot.
Released as the 2nd single from the album Old, New, Borrowed and Blue, the idea for "Everyday" came out of an evening at Jim Lea's house where he was entertaining friends. Responding to the question of how he wrote songs, he said "easy, anyone can do it" and each person then attempted to come up with their idea for a song, there and then on the spot.

Noddy Holder, Jim Lea, Dave Hill and Don Powell
Lea's wife Louise came up with an idea, which formed the basis of the song's verse. Lea later developed her idea further to become a Slade song. Once he had finished the music and some more of the lyrics, Noddy Holder finished the final lyrics off and "Everyday" was born! Initially Louise was not given a credit for her part in the songs' creation, but eventually this omission was rectified.

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