Capital Radio 194
My passion started off back in the day listening to London's Capital Radio (firstly on 539 metres, then to 194MW and later to evolve into 95.8FM, but I always listened on my old tranny using good old crackly medium wave).
Capital, as the name suggests, is London's music independent station, it was preceded as an independent station (ie not controlled by the BBC) only by LBC if I remember rightly that is.
Roger Scott

He had what I would class as the perfect radio voice - click on the YouTube video below to listen to possibly the greatest UK deejay of all at work (it also features the HeeBeeGeeBees with the brilliant "Meaningless Songs in Very High Voices").
I remember that Roger was a great fan of Dolly Parton and that must have gone a long way towards bringing about my love of Country music (not exclusively, however).
Sadly Roger passed away from cancer in October 1989 at the young age of 46.
Nicky Horne's Rock Show

Nicky often used to title music he really enjoyed as "a Mother" I don't think he could do that nowadays somehow!
Radio Luxembourg 208

The reception was diabolical compared to what we have grown to expect on DAB radio these days, with the signal constantly breaking up. But it wasn't the quality of reception we wanted, it was the sheer class of the broadcast.
Modern Day Radio
This all brings me on to the radio of today which has progressed beyond all bounds with the opportunity to listen to and instantly interact with programmes via email, Twitter, Facebook et al.
The BBC radio i-player now allows the opportunity to download podcasts and even full radio programmes, so there is never any excuse to ever miss any of "Auntie's" broadcasts should you so desire.
Johnnie Walker

Working at the Beeb for many years after an early career on the pirate radio ships, he left for a spell waxing his vocal chords over the pond in the US of A. After returning he presented the Drivetime show on BBC Radio 2 for many years.
Now into his 70s, he still presents "Sounds of the Seventies" show on BBC Radio 2 every Sunday afternoon at 3 pm, and for an old git like me, it really is required listening.
I rarely get to hear the show live these days, opting for the I-Player download option, but the music brings back so many memories along with news stories and interviews with famous people recounting events from the period. All in all, it takes me back to being a spotty teenager all over again.
On this weeks programme for example, I heard such greats as Peter Frampton's "Show Me the Way", fellow WBA supporter Eric Clapton (bet you didn't know that) with "I Shot the Sheriff", Hawkwind's "Silver Machine" and the song with one of my favourite introductions of all time, "Tumbling Dice" by the Rolling Stones.
Just click on the YouTube link below to hear "Tumbling Dice" (from the equally superb "Exile on Main Street" double album). Definitely Mick and the Boys at their best.
If you are a fan of 70s classics, I strongly suggest you try and catch Johnnie's weekly show.
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